A parent's hope for their children is inseparable from their love.

Lowell Milken

Children's awareness of their parents' values and expectations establishes boundaries which helps them feel secure.

Lowell Milken

It's important not to let any obstacle no matter how daunting keep you from helping others or from thinking inventively boldly and determinedly.

Lowell Milken

Until you find your authentic self there is no way you can find your perfect other half.

Lowell Milken

It's important to reflect deeply on one's life; to consider actions challenges and weaknesses calmly and sincerely to become a better person.

Lowell Milken

Relationships between and among people are the essence of existence and help to define one's identity.

Lowell Milken

The fundamental questions that drive me are: What is the disparity between what I have accomplished and what I want to accomplish? Am I using my time productively? Which relationships are most important to me and how can I strengthen them? What do I need to change in myself?

Lowell Milken

Exercise independence in your thinking and don't be influenced by those who command the most power speak the loudest or offer you popularity.

Lowell Milken

Experiences in business and life have taught me that a sound relationship with a person of questionable integrity is impossible.

Lowell Milken

How you raise a child influence not only their life but the lives of future generations.

Lowell Milken

A mother and father need not interact and discipline children identically but it's essential that both parents reinforce important decisions.

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Recognize the importance of family; you will derive much greater strength from being part of a family than standing alone.

Lowell Milken

Because children care what their parents expect of them they will eventually expect the same of themselves. This is why our expectations should be high.

Lowell Milken

The most significant determining factor for success in any endeavor is the talent of the people involved.

Lowell Milken

Human capital the most valuable asset of any enterprise is not disclosed on a balance sheet even though its value dwarfs all other assets.

Lowell Milken

In this age of uncertainty it's good to know that the world's most valuable resource human capital is limitless and generative.

Lowell Milken

Children learn to make wise choices by having intelligent decisions made for them by those to whom they are accountable. This prepares them to be responsible for the choices they make for themselves.

Lowell Milken

Perseverance consistency and alignment between parents teach children through their unwavering support especially when they distress or disappoint us.

Lowell Milken

Celebrating achievement is more than necessary; it is essential.
On special occasions offer heartfelt words that celebrate children's achievements yet challenge them to build upon their efforts as they move forward in life.

Lowell Milken

The sound values of trust responsibility honesty and caring are the building blocks to guide one's life; they are moral absolutes to live by.

Lowell Milken

Integrity compassion and perseverance - these values aren't static; they are constant forms of energy that secure stir and advance you.

Lowell Milken

To have the affection attention and recognition of someone you esteem especially when you're young is to be invested with enriching confidence.

Lowell Milken

Time, every moment of it, is such a precious asset to safeguard and wisely spend!

Lowell Milken

The unsolvable problems we encounter should not cause despair but belief that there are truths beyond our comprehension.

Lowell Milken

Creating value for people is an important beneficial and lucrative thing to do.

Lowell Milken

The result of excellence and effort is productivity.

Lowell Milken

We each have a responsibility to improve the world starting with how we conducted ourselves day in and day out.

Lowell Milken

Sharing different visions is how good ideas get better; it's how practical answers become transformative solutions.

Lowell Milken

Take the time to understand the views of those you disagree with; it often helps you counter disagreement or find common ground.

Lowell Milken

An idea's value is gauged by those you persuade to share it.

Lowell Milken

Business experience has taught me that good ideas need to be strategically and timely implemented not just talked about.

Lowell Milken

Creating value results from specific habits of mind sustained effort thorough preparation and pursuing and attaining excellence.

Lowell Milken

Ask as many questions as necessary to understand a situation.

Lowell Milken

Recognizing excellence magnifies its impact instilling a sense of responsibility to live up to that recognition.

Lowell Milken

Tipping points are not simple; they can be obvious obscured gradually arrived at or sudden.

Lowell Milken

When a large-scale idea is implemented the importance of structure cannot be overstated; it must be correct sturdy and built for the long term.

Lowell Milken

Circumvent proven methodologies at your peril.

Lowell Milken

Ideas may come swiftly but making the most of them requires careful planning and execution.

Lowell Milken

There is no situation from which there is not something of value to be gleaned.

Lowell Milken

It is not of value to recount the cause; what is of value is the result.

Lowell Milken

When you invest is every bit as important as what you invest in.

Lowell Milken

Risk is a function of knowledge.

Lowell Milken

Research is the key to successful investing.

Lowell Milken

Philanthropic activity large or small is life-expanding enlightening and positively surprising; the sooner it's part of your life the better.

Lowell Milken

Creativity is best unleashed when one is fully informed.

Lowell Milken

Talents are best realized when combined with hard work and adequate preparation.

Lowell Milken

Effecting change on a large-scale means being bold inventive thorough dogged optimistic confident humble flexible about funding open to others' ideas alert to multiplier opportunities and prepared to partner with individuals of talent.

Lowell Milken

Memorization is a discipline, a tool, a form of capital.

Lowell Milken

History's benefit is in being understood not least because it repeats itself.

Lowell Milken

Only through the opportunity to nurture protect and teach a child do we truly come to understand the meaning and gift of responsibility.
Our nation is unique in its capacity to achieve things of magnificent benefit and worth to humankind.

Lowell Milken

Great teachers are the backbone of any exemplary school.
Without vibrant engaged excellent educators there is little chance of producing students with the same qualities.
Embrace one’s studies with passion and purpose knowing that efforts today will shape future opportunities.
Student achievement and motivation require three conditions: great teachers challenging standards and powerful tools.
Research and personal experience confirm that the most important in-school factor driving student achievement is the quality of the educator in the classroom.
Every endeavor holds a lesson so apply yourself fully to uncover it.
When it comes to nurturing and safeguarding a country and its people one endeavor towers over the others: education!
Reflecting is not only thinking purposely backward in time but also shining light in that direction and illuminating the past through understanding.
A rigorous education is the answer for us as citizens because in addition to forming the capacity to lead it prepares our youth to participate in defend question and understand our democratic government. Education makes young people part of our great national narrative—crucial in a nation whose bloodlines languages religions and myths have so many sources. Education is crucial for citizens because it strengthens our engagement with others through the lessons of history which are the vital connection to a secure future.
Education is the access to all that a person has yet to learn which is exactly why the future belongs to the educated.
A rigorous education is the answer for the individual because it awakens the mind and sustains curiosity. Education equips each of us with the knowledge breadth of awareness and confidence not only to make sound and independent judgments but also to proceed to the next stage in learning and life. It teaches the individual how to engage reasonably and productively with others. It instills the impulse and willingness to take initiative—especially for the good of others—which is the very definition of community.
Education touches on everything we value as individuals citizens and productive human beings; because it provides the fullest opportunities for fulfilling ourselves; because it models virtue encourages ideals and guides the formation of character.
"The most direct and enduring way to reach the mind and imagination of the learner is through the mind, imagination and character of the outstanding teacher."

Lowell Milken

Setting high standards and assessments is no longer an elective course. It's required by the marketplace, both here and abroad. And if the education establishment doesn’t set and enforce them, the business community will, perpetuating a long tradition of education's being reformed by external forces.

Lowell Milken

In every endeavor, people make the difference, and just one person has the power to make a profound difference in the lives of so many people.

Lowell Milken

The need to assure that every child has the opportunity afforded by good teachers is urgent. As urgent as the need to be well nourished and for exactly the same reason. A child's growth depends on it.

Lowell Milken

The fact is that none of the hundreds of costly school-reform efforts over the past decades have had the scope, force and focus to attract high-caliber talent to the teaching profession, and then reward and motivate the talent to stay.

Lowell Milken

There is an equation at the center of the proposition of education that is as appealing as it is basic: All we have to do is think about what we want for every child, and we shall know what to provide every teacher—rich opportunities, high expectations, and sound preparation for the future. This is what every child needs and this is what all teachers deserve.

Lowell Milken

Only when society demonstrates respect for educators will the brightest and most capable students choose it as their profession.

Lowell Milken

Education provides the fullest opportunities for fulfilling ourselves. It is the access to all that a person has yet to learn, and that is precisely why the future belongs to the educated.

Lowell Milken

Research and our own personal experiences confirm that the single most important school-related factor driving student achievement is the quality of the teacher in the classroom.

Lowell Milken

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